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Login Form

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 11:16 am
by rashidovich
Sorry for my English.
On Login form when form have small size and aligned to right captcha is not visible, but form doing captcha validation.


Re: Login Form

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2023 1:38 pm
by spt3m4

can confirm that this is not an isolated issue for just rashidovich above.

From my end, same behaviour for Mozilla Firefox 110 on Linux Mint 20, and Google Chrome 109 on Win 10 Pro.

I cannot see the captcha on the form on both configurations above, no matter how i resize my browser window. Thus cannot authenticate into the web application. Would appreciate resolution to this issue soon. Paying customer here....

FYI this is the exact message from the server.

{"g-recaptcha-response":["The g-recaptcha-response field is required."]}

Also, the rclone authentication endpoint still works, if that helps.

Thank you.

Re: Login Form

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:18 am
by BlompSupport
Hello rashidovich and spt3m4 ,

Thank you for contacting us with your concerns. We have already solved this issue, and everything should work fine now.
I tried it myself and am able to log in perfectly.

However, I need you to confirm as well. Are you still having this issue?

Re: Login Form

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:35 am
by spt3m4
Unfortunately no, still no recaptcha input on login form, and the JSON response

{"g-recaptcha-response":["The g-recaptcha-response field is required."]}

keeps cropping up.

And yes i did clear my browser cache.

EDIT: is the endpoint that gives back the above message... just in case there is a discrepancy between the customer facing environment (i.e environment visible to us) and your dev environment

Re: Login Form

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 5:14 pm
by BlompSupport
Okay, spt3m4

Thanks for letting us know and thank you for providing such detailed information.
Please note that I sent your issues to our programmers and they are working on it as we speak.

Please give us some time to fix this issue. I will let you know once this is done, and will ask you for confirmation.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Most of all, thank you for making Blomp better. :)

Re: Login Form

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 3:50 am
by BlompSupport
Hello Blompers,

Our programmers just got back to us, and the issue is fixed. Can you please confirm?

Thank you :)

Re: Login Form

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 4:57 pm
by spt3m4
Yes i am able to log on to the web application again using my credentials. Thank you.

NOTE: Obviously i cannot test the positive case where the recaptcha is NEEDED for the sign up.

Re: Login Form

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:43 am
by BlompSupport
Perfect. Thanks for letting us know. :)

Re: Login Form

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 7:46 pm
by baneeishaque
login issue is resolved, but - sign up issue is still there.

Re: Login Form

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 5:54 am
by BlompSupport
Hello there,

Can you please send us screenshots of the issue you are having? I just tried signing up, and everything worked fine.

Please try again and let us know if you are still having any issues. And if you are, it would be very helpful if you provided what exactly the issue is.

Thank you :)