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Not uploading and disappears !?!

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 12:07 pm
by taylordelacruz
Someone help! Every time I select all my files of videos from my iPhone albums to upload on the blomp live app it disappears or doesn’t upload all just random of some! Out of order and everything. Please help!!

Re: Not uploading and disappears !?!

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 2:09 pm
by BlompSupport
Hey there! 8-)

Thanks for reaching out to us, and we're really sorry to hear you're having trouble uploading your files. :?

No need to stress - we're here to lend a hand!

Every time I select all my files of videos from my iPhone albums to upload on the blomp live app it disappears or doesn’t upload all just random of some! Out of order and everything.
Here are a few tips to help smooth out the uploading process:

1. Double-check that your internet connection is stable.
2. Make sure you're using the latest version of the BlompLive app. You can grab it from here: . Just scroll down and hit iOS/iPhone. Oh, and don't forget to remove the old version of BlompLive first!
3. Give uploading another shot.
4. Don't interrupt the upload process until it's finished. It might take a bit, especially if you're uploading multiple files at once.
5. Keep an eye out for a pop-up message indicating the upload status. Just hang tight until it's all done.

Let us know if it works. We're here to help sort things out.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Re: Not uploading and disappears !?!

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 6:20 am
by BlompSupport
Hi taylordelacruz, :)

Are you still experiencing issues uploading files?

If the problem has been resolved, that’s great! If not, please make sure that you have done all the steps sent in the previous comment. If the issue continues, please provide more details and, if possible, send us a screenshot.

If we don’t receive your feedback, we will assume that you no longer need help.

Best Regards,